their business strategy.
This module:
Monitors a contract through all its stages to ensure financial RISK is minimised.
Would ensure the deadlines of the contract are met without losing the QUALITY of the services / goods offered.
Helps to define the business RELATIONSHIP with respect to T&Cs, deliverables, and billing easily.
Acts as MULTI FACETS of a business - be it vendor relations, sales contracts or anything in between.
From contract quotation to contract auto-generation, contract dispatch, SLAs, invoicing and billing, contract management module provides you with one central source of information for tracking the status of each contract in real time through a web-based ERP framework. The contract management module of ERP systems is also integrated into other modules including the operational / fixed asset module, the financial module, the inventory module, the procurement module and the human resource management module.
"By integrating the contract management module into the ERP system, business operations can reduce communication errors and assist you in tracking relevant metrics such as developing actionable insights."
Our ERP solutions are well-equipped with robust business ERP modules that can manage the entire business process with ease.